PeopleSoft SQR Language and Function List in Notepad 5

First of all I have found funny bug in Notepad++, if you want to use FunctionList plugin with User Defined Language then you should switch off "language menu compact" mode and disable some languages.

Next step to add user defined language SQR
Open User Language Dialog and and create new language SQR.
You can add some keywords, comments and nice formatting. Look here for details.

After that we can define Language Parsing Rule for Function List plugin.
But keep in mind, that SQR script has a lot nameless blocks, so function list could not show any text.
Recommended workaround to add some descriptive comment after begin word, e.g.
begin-program !my first app

Lets add new Group PROGRAMM and RegEx

and of course we need PROCEDURE group with 2 rules!
Rule 1.

Rule 2.

Press OK and enjoy with end result

Keywords for SQR  have been taken here. Many thanks to Iouri Chadour!

Sincerely yours,

SQL Server ODBC Driver for Linux

In this morning’s keynote address at the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) Summit 2011, Quentin Clark (Corporate Vice President at Microsoft) announced that a preview of the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver for Linux will soon be widely available to customers. Yes, you read that right. Microsoft plans to release a driver that provides 1st class access to SQL Server from Linux/Unix operating systems. Recently, Microsoft has been working closely with a handful of partners to get feedback on private releases of the driver. A publicly available preview release of the driver is planned for later this fall.

and download link

notepad++ 5.9, php and functionlist plugin

Notepad++ 5.9.4, PHP and FunctionList plugin collaborate with each other without any issues or troubles.
After update notepad++ will always move FunctionList plugin into \Notepad++\plugins\disabled\ folder and you need to copy FunctionList.dll back into \Notepad++\plugins\ directory.

After new start function list appears again.

HOWTO: Repair Logitech M325 Mouse

FixIt says that you will find single screw under CE label. It isn't always true.