HOWTO create php function list

I have tried to use php reflections with no success to examine php class.
After that i found phpdoc which creates full list of methods etc just in a second.
It was really easy against expectation. And now I can see php function list nice formated

$ phpdoc -o HTML:frames:earthli -d -myclasses -t docs

and result looks like


HOWTO list all my java class methods

Similar to C# function list, you can list java class or jar file details.
I have written small utility to find all methods using java reflection.

Please note it uses platform depended SWT library.
Windows: javaFunctions_x86_win32.jar
Linux: javaFunctions_linux.jar

Result can be


C# real function list

An assembly (DLL, EXE etc) can contain different classes. And class can contain a lot of methods.
You know already about reflection, but you need quickly look up the function list.

I have written yet another c sharp assembly explorer, please take here.


OTRS Only tickets are shown in queues where agents have "rw" permission

OTRS - Hat ein Benutzer nur Leserechte (ro) auf eine Queue werden keine Tickets angezeigt
user with readonly (RO) permissions can find tickets, but can't see tickets by default in AgentQueueView because tickets are not listed.
To resolve the issue search in SysConfig for ViewAllPossibleTickets and set 

Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketQueue###ViewAllPossibleTickets to Yes.

$Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketQueue'}->{'ViewAllPossibleTickets'} =  '1';


HOWTO: Repair Logitech M325 Mouse

FixIt says that you will find single screw under CE label. It isn't always true.