The solution is quite simple. Just add to the httpd.conf before Listen 80 the line
NameVirtualHost *:80
If you use SSL virtual hosts add into httpd-ssl.conf file before Listen 443 the line
NameVirtualHost *:443
pic. 1 |
pic. 2 |
; [/modules] ; NRPE server - A simple server that listens for incoming NRPE connection and handles them. NRPEServer = 1 [/settings/NRPE/server] allowed hosts = YOUR.NAGIOS.SERVER.ADDRESS allow arguments = true allow nasty characters = true port = 5666 timeout = 60 use ssl = 1 performance data = 1 [/settings/external scripts] allow arguments = 1 allow nasty characters = 1 timeout = 60 [/settings/external scripts/scripts] check_iis_defaultapppool=cscript.exe //nologo //T:60 scripts/Check_IISv7_AppPool_State.vbs DefaultAppPool check_iis_mypool=cscript.exe //nologo //T:60 scripts/Check_IISv7_AppPool_State.vbs "My New Pool" check_iis_longrunning=cscript.exe //nologo //T:60 scripts/check_IISv7_long_running.vbs 1000 20000NOTE: Application Pool name with spaces must be quoted as was described in the previous post!
#hide junk queue $Self->{TicketAcl}->{'ACL-hide-junk-queue'} = { # match properties Properties => { # all tickets Ticket => { }, #only on AgentTicketZoom page Frontend => { Action => [ 'AgentTicketZoom', ], }, }, PossibleNot => { # shouldn't be moved into Ticket => { Queue => ['Junk', 'SPAM'], }, }, };Enjoy!
The resulting SQL file contains single insert per line and GO after each line. The file can be loaded into MSSQL compact edition (CE) with utility SqlCeCmd40#!/usr/bin/perl # MySQL dump was created as # >mysqldump -u USER -p --no-create-info --extended-insert DB_NAME > mysql_dump.sql while(<>){ if(/^(INSERT INTO .*? VALUES)(.*)$/i){ my $insert_into_table = $1; my $values = $2; $insert_into_table =~ s/`//g; (my $table_name = $insert_into_table) =~ m/INSERT INTO (.*?) VALUES/; my @arr_values = $values =~ m{ \( # opening ( ( # Start capture (?: # non-capturing group [^()']+ # ignore inner brackets | '[^']*' # skip all between single quotes )* # and repeat ) \) # final ) }gx ; foreach(@arr_values){ print "$insert_into_table ($_);\n"; print "GO\n"; } } } 1;
SELECT distinct DATE_FORMAT(create_time, 'mkdir %Y\\%m\\%d') a FROM ticket
SELECT CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(a.create_time, 'move %Y\\%m\\%d\\'),convert(,char(20)), ' C:\\path_to_new_OTRS\\var\\article\\',DATE_FORMAT(a.create_time, '%Y\\%m\\%d\\')) a
FROM article a JOIN ticket t ON
WHERE t.queue_id in (1,3,5,10);
using System;Custom aggregationusing System.Collections.Generic;using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;using CrossTab;using System.Data;namespace UnitTest{[TestClass]public class UnitTest1{[TestMethod]public void TestMethod1(){object DBNULL = DBNull.Value;DataTable src = new DataTable();DataTable dst = null;src.Columns.Add("City", typeof(string));src.Columns.Add("Product", typeof(string));src.Columns.Add("Value", typeof(double));src.Rows.Add("City A", "Product 1", 1.2);src.Rows.Add("City C", "Product 2", 0.3);src.Rows.Add("City A", "Product 1", 1.0);src.Rows.Add("City B", "Product 3", 2.2);src.Rows.Add("City B", "Product 1", 1.5);src.Rows.Add("City A", "Product 2", 0.8);src.Rows.Add("City A", "Product 4", 1.1);PivotTable test = new PivotTable(DemoAverageCalc.Average);dst = test.Pivot(src, "Product", "City", "Value");CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new object[] { "City A", 1.1, 0.8, DBNULL, 1.1 }, dst.Rows[0].ItemArray);CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new object[] { "City B", 1.5, DBNULL, 2.2, DBNULL }, dst.Rows[1].ItemArray);CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new object[] { "City C", DBNULL, 0.3, DBNULL, DBNULL }, dst.Rows[2].ItemArray);}}}
using System;using System.Collections;using System.Text;namespace UnitTest{public class DemoAverageCalc{// my inner type is doublepublic static object Sum(ArrayList set){double ret = 0.0;foreach (object t in set){if(t is double)ret = ret + (double)t;}return ret;}public static object Average(ArrayList set){return (double)Sum(set) / (double)set.Count;}}}
FixIt says that you will find single screw under CE label. It isn't always true.