Obsolete. Please check new post!
If you have issue with Function List plugin for Notepad++ 5.1.2, please check first whether you have ANSI or UNICODE version of application. Just open About dialog and check at the top version. You can download here UNICODE or ANSI recompiled version of plugin and save it into NPP_HOME \plugins\ folder.
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OUT - OF - DATE Obsolete. Please check new post ! If you have issue with Function List plugin for Notepad++ 5.1 or later, please ch...
Yeah. Nice. Great. Juppi. Klasse. Sauber.
Thank you very much!
Question: How did you recompile the DLL? Did you use Visual Studio? If yes, which version and may I have your project-files?? :-)
To: Asche
Have you seen that post?
Nope, didn't...sorry & thanks!! :-)
Man, I can't thank you enough for this. I actually moved away from Notepad++ to PSPad because of this plugin, and since than was in the look out for a PHP editor that could fill up the space. Now I can go back and worry no more. Once again, thank you.
Just wanted to chime in my thanks for the unicode version...! Cheers!
Where does it save the settings?
To: Mahox
Please check %HOMEPATH%\Application Data\Notepad++\ folder
and %ProgramFiles%\Notepad++\ folder also.
What is the name of the file?
I'm running from USB drive and can't find the file.
To: Mahox
I have tried Notepad++ Portable. It works perfectly!
Function List config was saved into \App\Notepad++\insertext.ini file.
Styles into \App\Notepad++\userdefinelang.xml file.
Thank you Ruslan, but I'm using the zip version of Notepad++ and it doesn't create those files in the Notepad++ program folder :S But is does save the settings..somewhere on the computer.
Many thanks.
Could you post the dll to source forge? They haven't updated it since 2007.
Having difficulty getting this to work with Notepad++ v5.2 on windows Vista, it installs, shows the button in the toolbar and settings under the 'plugins' menu, but does not show the actual list window when I click "list". Is there a fix planned soon?
To: Anonymous
I have no Vista on PC and will gather more information regarding this issue.
what about 2.Alpha version of the FunctionList plugin? Do you plan to get it working also?
Jens Lorenz is busy working on Function List 2 version. Hope we can use it soon.
Hey Thanks so much! Tried so hard to get FL working but i dont realize its for 4.x
Seems still to work with Notepad++ 5.4.5 Unicode
muchas gracias !!
I love this feature but recently it became less useful because it is missing subroutines in its function list display. I am running NotePad ++ 5.6.2 UNICODE on Windows XP. I have a perl (.pl) module loaded and using the FunctionList_unicode.dll from this site.
Any suggestions?
I have determined that one specific subroutine in the perl code is giving th eproblem. I cannot seem to codde a User Defiend rule to sorrect for the default rule. Here is th eproblem sub:
sub MYMAIL {
my ($to, $cc, $bcc, $subject, $msg, $file) = @_;
if ( $NOMESSAGES && substr($subject,0,15) ne "SERVICE REQUEST" ) {return} # If NOMESSAGES then send nothing
if (length($bcc) > 0) {
if (length($wscbcc) > 0) {
$fullbcc = $bcc . "," . $wscbcc;
} else {
$fullbcc = $bcc;
} else {
$fullbcc = $wscbcc;
#ref ($sender = new Mail::Sender({from => 'ClientServices@wsc.com', smtp => ''}))
ref ($sender = new Mail::Sender({from => 'ClientServices@wsc.com', smtp => ''}))
# smtp => 'aeneas.internal.sungard.corp'}))
# smtp => 'mailhost.wscis.wsc.com'}))
or die "$Mail::Sender::Error\n";
if (length($file) > 0) {
if ( (stat($file)) [7] >= 1024*1024*25 ) { # 25 MB attachment limit, don't send, limitation on wsc-voo-245
&MYMAIL("$file_service", "", "","${file} TOO LARGE TO EMAIL", "The file is too large to send as email attachment (>25MB).", "");
return; # nothing more
($sender->MailFile # MailFile to send an attachment
to => "$to",
cc => "$cc",
bcc => "$bcc",
subject => "$subject",
msg => "$msg",
file => "$file"
) or die "$Mail::Sender::Error\n";
} else {
($sender->MailMsg # MailMsg to send a message w/o attachment
to => "$to",
cc => "$cc",
bcc => "$fullbcc",
subject => "$subject",
msg => "$msg"
) or die "$Mail::Sender::Error\n";
# Write to logfile
if ( substr($subject, 0, 24) eq "File Transferred to Data" ) { last SWITCH;}
if ( substr($subject, 0, 20) eq "SERVICE REQUEST: PGP") { last SWITCH;}
if ( substr($subject, 0, 4) eq "SIAC" ) { last SWITCH;}
if ( substr($subject, 0, 5) eq "ERROR" ) { last SWITCH;}
# create the log entry
($tsec, $tmin, $thour,$tmday,$tmon,$tyear,$twday,$tyday,$tisdst) = localtime(time);
if (length($tmin) == 1) {$tmin = "0" . $tmin};
if (length($thour) == 1) {$thour = "0" . $thour};
$LOGTIME = "${year}/${mon}/${mday} ${thour}:${tmin}";
print $LOGFILEhandle "$LOGTIME\n";
print $LOGFILEhandle "TO: $to\n";
print $LOGFILEhandle "SUBJECT: $subject\n";
print $LOGFILEhandle "$msg";
print $LOGFILEhandle "\n*********************************************************\n";
} # end sub MYMAIL
To: Ira Kirschner
Can you drop me completly file on
ruslanATo2onlineDOTde ?
I am becoming confused, because i saw MYMAIL name in the list.
Best regards, Ruslan.
I am having the same problem as Ira Kirschner. Several perl subroutines mysteriously do not appear in the function list or the tree. Here's a couple of small subroutines that do not appear (the code works just fine, by the way):
sub new_UUID () {
my $ug = new Data::UUID;
return $ug->create();
sub logout(){
$sth = $dbh->prepare('delete from cookies where cookie = ?');
Ok, re: my message from a couple of minutes back: I have another clue. The single quote (') in the following line in the just prior subroutine is causing the problem. If I remove the single quote, all the functions appear correctly in the function list.
Here's the offending line:
if ($log_text =~ /Can\'t open configuation file/) { do_something;}
Any help?
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