Proxy Toggle

Proxy toggle allows you to switch on/off windows proxy settings with one click.
After install it will be available as Tools | Toggle proxy menu item in IE and desktop shortcut.
In Windows 7 you can even pin shortcut to taskbar.

Pros: light, fast, zero memory footprint.

Installer is available here.

If you have to enable/ disable proxy in Internet Exlporer, Chrome or Safari  just click one button. As a result it will be (un-)checked box mentioned on the picture below.

Solution for Firefox you can take here and here tip for Opera.
It isn't multiproxy switch or selector tool. Just simple toggle (on/off) for MS Windows.
You won't find here SwitchProxy  v 1.3.4 and you don't need proxy switcher anymore if you use proxy toggle.

Please leave below yours opinion, suggestion or criticism:

Win XP, Vista IE and Chrome quick/quickly/quickest way to switch or toggle proxy on/off

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