
How to perform left outer join in C# LINQ to objects without using join-on-equals-into clauses? Is there any way to do that with where clause? Correct problem: For inner join is easy and I have a solution like this
List innerFinal = (from l in lefts from r in rights where l.Key == r.Key
                             select new JoinPair { LeftId = l.Id, RightId = r.Id})
but for left outer join I need a solution. Mine is something like this but it's not working
List< JoinPair> leftFinal = (from l in lefts from r in rights
                             select new JoinPair { 
                                            LeftId = l.Id, 
                                            RightId = ((l.Key==r.Key) ? r.Id : 0
where JoinPair is a class:
public class JoinPair { long leftId; long rightId; }


As stated on: 101 LINQ Samples - Left outer join
var q =
    from c in categories
    join p in products on c equals p.Category into ps
    from p in ps.DefaultIfEmpty()
    select new { Category = c, ProductName = p == null ? "(No products)" : p.ProductName };

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