Obsolete. Please check new post!
If you have issue with Function List plugin for Notepad++ 5.1 or later, please check first whether you have ANSI or UNICODE version of application. Just open About dialog and check at the top version. You can download here UNICODE or ANSI recompiled version of plugin and save it into NPP_HOME \plugins\ folder.
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OUT - OF - DATE Obsolete. Please check new post ! If you have issue with Function List plugin for Notepad++ 5.1 or later, please ch...
After upgrading to Notepad 5.1.1 my Function List plug-in had disappeared. After trying various solutions reverting back to an earlier version of Notepad++ and installing the plug-in again, Notepad++ suddenly started crashing frequently. Finally, I found this page, so I uninstalled Notepad++, reinstalled 5.1.1, and added your updated UNICODE Function List plug-in. That worked!!! You're a hero!!!
Yay! Thank you!!!
Colleagues, thank you for warm words. I made really small contributions to plugin.
I would like to say thanks to Jens Lorenz. I hope version 2 will be released soon.
Great news!
With updates from Jens and your Unicode recompile, I have all plugins I used to work with.
Thank you.
Thank you very much! I just cannot use Notepad++ without this plugin.
Perhaps you could work with Jens to get these updates on the sourceforge page so It's easier to find the updates. Not that I'm complaining because I really appreciate your efforts. I just think it would be easier for new users to find this update that way. Maybe even contact the Notepad++ people to get it on their page.
Thank you, arigato, shukriya... :)
So, this is the Function List plugin version 1.2, right? Do you have the v2 Alpha version of the Function List? I had written some parsing rules for CSS for the v2 Alpha, but it seems that they do not work with this v1.2 plugin - it only seems to support the "User-Defined" language.
To: Aaron W You are right. That's plugin version 1.2.
I was happy to share with community plugin which i am using.
If you need plugin version 2.0a, you will find some tricks here
Thanks Ruslan.
As far as I can tell, the latest version (5.1.1) is only available in Unicode.
It looks like there's not a Unicode version of Function List v2 alpha, so since I need to use Function List v2, I'm either going to have to downgrade to an older version of Notepad++ that's still available in non-unicode, (which I had been doing, but for some reason my installation became unstable, and I upgraded to resolve those issues),
OR I'll have to figure out how to compile a Unicode version of Notepad++.
To: Aaron W
No, it isn't. You can download npp.5.1.1.bin.zip file here. Archive contains both unicode and ANSI version. Hope it will help.
Oh, OK, cool. I didn't realize that. Thanks. I was wondering why the .zip was bigger than the installer. Up till now, I'd always just downloaded the installer.
I guess luckily for me, I don't need the unicode version currently! The ANSI version can still edit unicode text, so I'm fine.
Thanks again!!!
Thanks Ruslan for your great work! Could you please share your unicode version source code of the Function list? The reason is I want to add my own feature in the list.I've tried to convert the ANSI version to Unicode version using VC6.0 but failed.
To: bruce
I have uploaded here sources. It was compiled with VS2003. I have no ideas whether it's possible to build it with VC6.0. Hope it will help.
Ruslan, thank you! However, can you fix a redrawing bug under Notepad++ 5.1.3? When FunctionList is opened (for the first time) for a big C++ source file, part of its window remains on Notepad++'es toolbar and on the desktop.
I see. It was bug in dialog create function. But it appears only in 5.1.3 version. Please download plugin again.
Thank you!!
i'm new to notepad++ (5.1.3 Unicode) , don't have need the function List plugin : could give a compiled version of the source uploaded in previous post ?
Just a small remark, using the toolbar button to hide the panel do not work, but its a minor issue as it is possible to use the panel close button.
Thanks a lot for this port,
Thank's a lot! Well done.
thank you very much. I switched to pspad because of this. Now I am back.
be happy
Thank you very much!
Your plugin allowed me to upgrade Notepad++ to the latest versions!
Greetings from Italy,
Thank you very much for this - greetings from sweden.
Thanks you
Thank you very much! I'm very glad the function list is working like a dream again. Me - and I think a lot of Notepad++ users - missed the feature so much as it realy makes work easy!
hey, i install all correct, but i think are something weird, crtl+space give me the function, this is ok. look the SC: http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/8213/27905410ak7.jpg
the function dont give me the parameters, shoul do?
my function list is Unicode...
To: dodo
You mix function list and auto-completion.
Function list shows in separate window YOUR functions.
Auto-completion shows available functions in drop down control directly in sources.
Please check your settings in Settings | Preferences | Backup/Auto-completion.
Best regards.
Thank for this plug-in!
I was really sad when my NP++ told me that old function list plug-in is deprecated.
Seems Function List's dialog "User Rules..." is broken. When I want to add my user rules for new language or edit user rules of existing language, it is saved incorrectly and my previously saved user rules inside "insertExt.ini" become disfigured. Can you fix it or just disable the "User Rules..." dialog if it's too complicated?
You Rock.
I was just about to look for the source and recompile but decided i'd search for a unicode version first and bang.
Thanks so much!
Thanks very usefull. (unicode version)
If possible please added to Sourceforge page also ver.2
Thanks again
Finally found a solution! You really helped many people.
Thanks a lot! I just installed it with the new 5.2 unicode version and it seems to work flawlessly!
Thanks again
great!! thanx!!!
Thank you!
But Why not upload to the sourceforge file download links?
Thank you!
Thanks a bunch man!
Thanks a bunch man!
How do you add function list for userdefuned languege
Works! Too cool.
i've been looking for this about a month! :D
thanks, man!
Am I the only person who can't use the "User rules..." dialog of the Function List??? I see no possibility to use this dialog to define parsing rules for new user-defined language.
Thank you so much. I really appriciate it :).
To: DV
Please see new post regarding user rules.
Awesome Awesome Awesome!
Tnx a lot!
lots of thanks from another spanish helped programmer. you should start thinking about a donate button!
Thank you!
Function List for 5.x makes me high!
thnx man..you are a real hero..
Great job!
Thanks so much for this!
Thanks so much too !! :D
Thanks a lot.
Thanks for the unicode version of this useful plugin, however I have a small issue, if parenthesis are used in C code comments, the function list plugin doesn't detect correctly the functions... Here is an example :
Function list test -> ok...
static void Test(void)
With parenthesis in comments (like this) function list plugin behaves strangly...
int TestBis(int a, int b)
Any idea ? Thanks.
To: Philippe
Thanx a lot for good bug report.
I have found issue, please download file again.
To: Ruslan
Thank you for the quick correction, it works fine.
wordpad++ without function list is like a car without gears ...
slower :-((
many thanks to you !
may we see this release directly on sourceforge one day ?
Thanks for this Unicode dll. The harder was to know it exists !
With the Jens Ansi version I had user rules defined in Notepad++\plugins\Config\FunctionListRules.xml
Where are the stored the rules now ?
Ruslan, thanks for you work.
You helped many people including me.
thanks ruslon!
really a great information!
Thank you for updating this to work with the newer version of np++. We all really appreciate your effort.
it rocks!
thanx, Ruslan!
Thank you very very much!
You saved my day :D *happy*
Thank you Ruslan!!!
Thank you Ruslan for the update! And Jens Lorenz for a great plugin!
СПАСИБО, Руслан!
YA!YA! I can use Function List ~~
I love you so much~~
спасибо, Руслан! ты очень помог
thank you!!
Thanks you man ! it works like a charm
Ой Молодца!!!
I've recently download v5.4.3
and with your dll it's work...
Thank's !!
thanks !
Thanks, saved me a bit of searching!
fantastic !!!
thank you so much :)
fantastic plugin, thanks for recompiled function list! thanks alot
Thanks for this recompiled plugin.
It works with 5.4.5 version.
Are you plan to upgrade to the functionList v2 ?
great - thank you
I am using the DLL file for Unicode. I am facing the same problem as mentioned by Philippe about the plugin acting weird when there are paranthesis within comments. Could you please direct me to the updated file, if any? Or is there a way of getting it fixed?
- Manya
To: Anonymous
Can you drop me piece of code with issue?
Link to latest DLL you can find in blog article.
Thank so much for this plugin
I have some question/request
I was using PSPAD that have function list + var,include,html tag etc ..
it called code explorer windows
any modify or adding rules can I get the var or include or link or another html tag to show in your plugins
Thank again
To: Yanyong
Check out V2 of plugin. It is still Beta, but provides additional functionality.
It is available here.
Seems user-defined languages are broken under Notepad++ 5.5 in both Function List 1.2 and 2.0 beta... What a real pity.
Thank you very very very much! :)
I had so many issues with the function list and they seam all to be fixed so far.
(bgcolor,chrashing,if as functions,ghost/relict on startup)
Have been waiting for a new version for a while, but if you use a good tool like the Function List and it does not work as expected it makes you pretty frustrated after a while, especially if it slows you down.
Thank you very much !!!
Hi Ruslan. Are you russian? Anyway thank you very much for this, notepad++ is my favorite editor and thing that i like mostly is function list.
Thank you very much.
После перехода на Windows 7 список пустой. Что делать ума не приложу.
Под админом пробовал запускать - не помогает :(
Thank a lot!
Your Dll work with np++ v5.6.4 on my Windows7 PC!
Hi, i have notepad++ 5.6.4 UNICODE and always i installed function list plugin my notepadd crash with cpu 100%
can you help me?
Windows XP SP3
To: Anonymous
Please download v2 of FunctionList here: sourceforge.net
It works quiet stable.
Thank you very much, works with 5.6.4 as well
Ok ruslan, the link you brought is very good, thanks.
Your plugin made my day, Thanks!
Hi, first of all, thx, good job ;o)
i found a small "bug" :
< ?php
function function0() { }
function function1() { echo '*/*'; }
function function2() { }
> function0 is in the list, but not function1 and function2, cause '*/*' seams to be interpreted like a comment.
i remove this type of comment from my FunctionListRules.xml, but its not a realy good solution xD
auther fix :
< ?php
function function0() { }
function function1() { echo '*/*'; //*/ }
function function2() { }
i found this bug thanks to the header "Accept" of a HTTP request.
love u so much~!
I'm using notepad++ 5.6.8 with Function list version 2.1(unicode).
I have 2 issues for it.
1) notepad++ is crashed when I tried to add new rule.
2) with the current rule for function, function list can't parse the function with following define:
bool SibInfo:: setSibEncodeInfo
const CellIndex& cell_index,
bool& send_siu
Could you please give me some hints to fix them ?
FunctionList (Unicode) as downloaded on June 17, 2010 crashes Notepad++ 5.6.8 as downloaded on June 17, 2010. Upon starting Notepad++, it just hangs forever. Have to remove the .dll to get Notepad++ to run again.
thank you so much!! Your recompiled version worked for me!!
Руслан! Огроменное спасибище!
Thanks a lot, man! It was my constant pain in the ass.
Thanks A LOT
Danke shon!!!
Another happy camper!!
По поводу Windows7. Работает, только если отключать для npp Desktop decomposition. :( Можно это пофиксить, чтобы окно работало при дефолтных настройках системы?
Similar problem as Nguyen Nuu Tuong Vinh described encountered in NPP 5.9.3. Function List parser doesn't accept any line breaks outside of arguments list (i.e. parenthesis) like shown below
void functionName
(int nArg, char cArg2)
or, let say, in ADA it could be
function fName
(Arg1 : Boolean;
Arg2 : Float
return Float;
I can see line breaks are acceptable in the arguments list only.
Is it possible to fix?
Thank you.
FunctionList 2.1
Notepad++ 5.9.3 (UNICODE)
I have been trying to use the Function List with a custom language SQRW.
I have been trying to reverse engineer the setup REGEX syntax to create custom languages using SQL as my source but cannot get it to work and now am resigned to the fact that I need some help.
I am trying to get it to recognize the following Local/Global Procedures and Functions. Can you provide me with the appropriate setup syntax so that I can work with this cool tool?
Here are some rough examples of SQRW procedurs that I would like the Function List to recognize:
-- Global Program
-- Program code here
-- Global Variable Procedure
-- Global Procedure code here
-- Global Variable Procedure
-- With embedded Select
-- Global Procedure code here
field1, field2, field3
from table name
-- Global Variable Procedure
-- With embedded SQL
-- Global Procedure code here
update table set field = 'x';
-- Local Variable Procedure
Begin-Procedure(Var1, Var2, Var3, etc)
-- Local Procedure code here
-- Local Variable Procedure
-- With embedded Select
Begin-Procedure(Var1, Var2, Var3, etc)
-- Local Procedure code here
field1, field2, field3
from table name
-- Local Variable Procedure
-- With embedded SQL
Begin-Procedure(Var1, Var2, Var3, etc)
-- Local Procedure code here
update table set field = 'x';
-- Global Setup Procedure
-- Setup code here
Thanks in advance...
Tom Williams Jr.
@TO: Tom Williams Jr.
Tom, can you please drop message to ruslanATo2online.de with code example ?
We need to define block codes (PROCEDURE...END) and boundary of names. e.g.
BEGIN-PROCEDURE name_of_proc(params?)
FunctionList can display only named blocks, isn't it?
Best regards
Плагин окончательно перестал работать под Windows7. Пичалька.
версия 2.1 работает, правда крэшится иногда
Thanks a lot. It worked perfectly with Notepad++ 6.1.2 (UNICODE)
I love FunctionList plugin!!! I have noticed that it crashes if you try to open an empty (zero bytes) C++ source file. This has been going on for many releases of Notepad++.
NPP crashes, 'more information' reveals:
Appname: notepadd++.exe AppVer: ModName: functionlist.dll ModVer: Offset: 00005b56
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